Friday, March 16, 2012

Institutions of Higher Education

Nearby Institutions of Higher Education:

The station was founded in 1909 and established on land acquired from lumber barons after virtually all the trees had been cleared. This 10,000-acre property has since been reforested via natural processes but new environmental challenges have emerged, climate change and invasive species foremost among them. The aim of this station to encourage students, faculty and researchers come together to learn about the natural world, to examine environmental change, and to seek solutions to the critical environmental challenges.

It was founded in 1892. Central Michigan University is considered one of the nation's 100 largest universities. It offers more than 200 excellent academic programs in locations across the globe and online.

It became during the late 1800s as a place where faith and learning could meet as a small elementary and secondary school. It has become a top-tier, liberal arts Christian university with over 4,000 enrolled students whose faculty teach in 19 locations throughout Michigan and in Ohio various locations as well as online.

Lake Superior University is in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and it is the State’s smallest public university with an enrollment of about 3,000 students. Given that its proximity to the International border with Canada (Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) it has many Canadian students and a close relationship with its international neighbor.

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